Idag får vi fira oss själva! Fira oss att vi kan, vill, är bra, starka, svaga... ja, allt!
Och till er som säger att vi inte behöver en internationell kvinnodag eftersom vi har det så bra och jämställt så säger jag bara; baha!
Läs Amnestys rapport om väldtäktsoffer runt om i världen, och lär er att det inte är så stor skillnad mellan offer i Norden och offer i Afrika.
"In poor and rich countries alike, women who are raped or abused have little chance of seeing their attackers brought to justice," said Widney Brown, Senior Director of International Law and Policy at Amnesty International. "It is shocking that in the 21st century with so much legislation designed to ensure women's equality, that virtually every government fails to protect women or to ensure that their abusers are held to account for their crimes."
"In Nordic countries, for example, the use of violence or threats of violence determine the seriousness of rape rather than the violation of a woman's sexual autonomy. The report Case Closed: Rape and Human Rights in the Nordic Countries, documents one case in Finland where a man forced a woman to have sexual intercourse in the disabled toilet of a car park by banging her head against the wall and twisting her arm behind her back. In the prosecutor's opinion, this was not rape as the violence used was of slight degree. The man was convicted of coercion into sexual intercourse and sentenced to a conditional (suspended) seven-month prison term.
By comparison, refusal to undertake compulsory military service, including civilian service, in Finland is punishable with a prison sentence of at least six months."
Have a Relaxing Weekend.
4 timmar sedan
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